
¿Who are communautas?

All individuals who are taking part of a Digital Community have been selected based on segmentation criteria agreed upon with the client, ensuring the representativeness and diversity required for the research.

At COMMUN, qualitative samples typically consist of 15 to 50 participants. These sample sizes enhance and facilitate interaction among the Communautas, generating a richness of discourse in their contributions that is of high value for qualitative analysis.

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¿How are they selected?

Communautas are the cornerstone of the research, and their selection is a hallmark of quality at COMMUN.

For each Digital Community, a meticulous selection process is initiated, requiring time and dedication to ensure that the chosen participants are the most suitable for contributing to the research.

Once selected, participants commit to long-term involvement, which may extend for months or years, within a digital environment that includes both a web platform and a mobile application, as well as occasional face to face meetings.


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