
Communauta footprint

To share our thoughts and experiences

What I liked the most was the cooperation that there was in class, both the teacher and the classmates, as well as, being able to share our thoughts and experiences through this community 🙂

Mujer, 16 a 19 años

Very useful

To sum up, this course in Physic has been very useful tp learn Pshysics in a preactical way, either by solving problems, making experiemntes at the laboratory, designining a STEM lessons plan or partcipating in this communtiy.

Mujer, 20 a 24 años


¿How does the development of a scientific identity evolve among second-year Primary and Early Childhood Education university students through an experimental pedagogy focused on STEM competencies?

Commun Methodology:

A qualitative methodology through a Digital Community. In parallel, a quantitative measurement of attitudes towards science was conducted using the TOSRA (Test of Science-Related Attitudes) model in two waves, pre- and post-intervention: the first at the beginning of the Digital Community and the second at the end.

  • Communatas sample: 45 second-year Primary and Early Childhood Education students from the Complutense University of Madrid – dual degree in English.
  • Duration: 4 months, from September 2022 to December 2022. 
  • Projet leader: Myriam Durán.

Academic Impact:

Advancing the research group’s work at the Faculty of Education’s Department of Science Pedagogy on Experimental Pedagogies and their impact on the development of scientific identity.


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