Music producer

Communauta footprint

Learning from peers

I was pleasantly surprised by this type of study. I never imagined I would be so attentive to what others were sharing. There is an absolute imbalance between the customer and the company. It’s great that you can highlight this unfair imbalance and the anger it causes…

Hombre, 30 a 34 años

Expressing Through Humour

Thanks to the organisers for allowing us to vent, which is very necessary… I enjoyed narrating our monumental frustrations with humour… I completely agree with the comment about the vulnerability we feel…

Mujer, 30 a 34 años

Shared Experiences

This has been a great experience; the sense of community is tangible… I was genuinely surprised by how many similar experiences push us all to our limits… despite paying companies for their services…

Mujer, 50 a 54 años

Therapeutic Experience

I really enjoyed sharing how frustrating it is to deal with automated responders… There are few things that irritate me more. Sharing these moments with you all has been therapeutic…

Hombre, 55 a 59 años


¿What negative effects do automated processes in customer service have on brand image and perception?

Commun Methodology:

Qualitative methodology through a Digital Community.

  • Communatas sample: 15 professionals from various sectors including consultancy, education, technology, environmental, and social research.
  • Duration: 2 months, from September to October 2022.
  • Project Leaders: Pepa Barral and Myriam Durán from TwoMuch S.L.


Social impact:

Identify the resentment towards brands due to automated systems and implement new technologies to restore customer trust in brands.


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